Fish Tank

The Fish Tank at The Jolly Sailor Inn

The Fish Tank at The Jolly

We decided in late 2020 that the bar needed some form of nautical feature. What better way to do this than to add a fish tank!

We started by removing the walls around the space under the stairs. It was a bit of 'suck it and see' as we didn't know what was behind there. We poked an exploratory hole through the wall and foun a huge space. Careful removal of the wall ensued (it was only a thin stud partition so it was easy).

Once we had the wall out we could then start building the frame for the tank.

We then plaster-boarded the interior and exterior and ordered the bespoke fish tank.

Once the tank and all the accoutrements were delivered we could install the tank and buid the storage and access doors. The tank was filled with sand to emulate the beach and filled with water. The lights and pump were fitted as was the piece-de-resistance... The port hole!

The water was left to acclimatise for several weeks. Finally, we could fill the tank with weed and fish!

So, now we have a beautiful fish tank with a nautical port hole in the bar; and it is a great talking point!

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